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Tecnología Agroalimentaria. Boletín informativo del SERIDA Nº 29
Tecnología Agroalimentaria. Boletín informativo del SERIDA Nº 28
Tecnología Agroalimentaria. Boletín informativo del SERIDA Nº 27
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Personal Serida

Ficha personal. Enrique Gómez Piñeiro
Jefe del Departamento de Investigación y Servicios Tecnológicos

. Investigador.


Área de Investigacion. SERIDA.

Camin de Rioseco 1225, La Olla, Deva. 33394 - Gijón - Asturias - Spain. Deva


Tlfo: 984502010 Fax: 985195310 Extensión: 82344


Email: egomez@serida.org


MURILLO, A.;MUÑOZ, M.; MARTÍN, D.; CARROCERA, S.; MARTÍNEZ-NISTAL, A.; GOMEZ, E. "Low FCS concentration in bovine embryo culture enhances Day-6 early blastocyst rates with quality traits in the expanded blastocyst stage similar to BSA-cultured embryos". En: Reproductive Biology. (2017). Vol. 17, pp. 162-171.

GOMEZ, E.; MARTIN, D.; CARROCERA, S.; MUÑOZ, M. "PGF2a levels in Day 8 blood plasma are increased by the presence of one or more embryos in uterus". En: Animal. (2015). Vol. 10, pp. 1-6.

MUÑOZ, M.; UYAR, A.; CORREIA, E.; DÍEZ, C.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, A., CAAMAÑO, J.N.; MARTÍNEZ-BELLO, D.; TRIGAL, B.; HUMBLOT, P.; PONSART, C.; GUYADER-JOLY, C.; CARROCERA, S.; MARTIN, D.; MARQUANT-LE GUIENNE, B.; SELI, E.; GOMEZ, E. "Prediction of pregnancy viability in bovine in vitro produced embryos and recipient plasma with Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy". En: Journal of Dairy Science. (2014). Vol. 97.

MUÑOZ, M.; UYAR, A.; CORREIA, E.; PONSART, C.; GUYADER-JOLY, C.; MARTÍNEZ-BELLO, D.; MARQUANT-LE GUIENNE, B.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, A.; DÍEZ, C.; CAAMAÑO, J.N.; TRIGAL, B.; HUMBLOT, P.; CARROCERA, S.; MARTIN, D.; SELI, E.; GOMEZ, E. "Metabolomic prediction of pregnancy viability in superovulated cattle embryos and recipients with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy". En: Biomed Research International. (2014). Vol. 2014, pp. 608579.

MUÑOZ, M.; ASLI, U.; CORREIA, E.; DÍEZ, C.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, AL.; CAAMAÑO, J.N.; TRIGAL, B.; CARROCERA, S.; EMRE, S.; GOMEZ, E. "Non-invasive assessment of embryonic sex in cattle by metabolic fingerprinting of in vitro culture medium". En: Metabolomics. (2014). Vol. 10, pp. 443-451.

MUÑOZ, M.; UYAR, A.; CORREIA, E.; DÍEZ, C.; FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, A.; CAAMAÑO, J.N.; TRIGAL, B.; CARROCERA, S.; SELI, E.; GOMEZ, E. "Non-invasive assessment of embryonic sex in cattle by metabolic fingerprinting of in vitro culture medium". En: Metabolomics (Aceptado para publicación) Clave: A. SCI 2012. (EEUU. 2013). pp. 4-43.

FAZELI, A.; GÓMEZ, E. "Maternal Communication with Gametes and Embryos". En: Proceedings of the 4th General Meeting of GEMINI. [Edita] COST-GEMINI MEMBERSHIP. (Oviedo. 2011). ISBN: 978-0-9563694-8-2.

DÍEZ, C.; BERMEJO-ALVAREZ, P.; TRIGAL, B.; CAAMAÑO, J.N.; MUÑOZ, M.; MOLINA, I.; GUTIERREZ-ADAN, A.; CARROCERA, S.; MARTIN, D.; GOMEZ, E. "Changes in testosterone or temperature during the in vitro oocyte culture do not alter the sex-ratio of bovine embryos". En: of Experimental Zoology - Part A Ecol Genet Physiol. (2009). Vol. 311, pp. 448-452.

GOMEZ, E.; MUÑOZ, M.; RODRIGUEZ, A.; CAAMAÑO, J. N.; FACAL, N.;DIEZ, C. "Vitrification of bovine blastocysts produced in vitro inflicts selective damage to the inner cell mass". En: Reproduction in Domestic Animals. [Edita] European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction (ESDAR), the European Veterinary Society of Small Animal Reproduction (EVSSAR) and the Spanish Society of Animal Reproduction (AERA). (2009). Vol. 44, pp. 194-199. ISSN: 0936-6768. DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2007.01026.x.

MUÑÓZ, M.; RODRIGUEZ, A.; DIEZ, C.; CAAMAÑO, J. N.; FERNÁNDEZ-SÁNCHEZ, M. T.; PÉREZ-GÓMEZ, A.; FACAL, N.; GÓMEZ, E. "Tyrosine kinase A, C and fibroblast growth factor-2 receptors in bovine embryos cultured in vitro". En: Theriogenology. (2009). Vol. 71, pp. 1005-1010. DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2008.11.008.

ALMIÑANA, C.; GIL, M.A.; CUELLO, C.; CABALLERO, I.; ROCA, J; VAZQUEZ, J.M.; GOMEZ, E; MARTINEZ, A. "In vitro maturation of porcine oocytes with retinoids improves embryonic development". En: Reproduction Fertility & Development. (2008). Vol. 20, pp. 483-489.

CAAMAÑO, J.N.; RODRIGUEZ, A.; MUÑOZ, M.; DE FRUTOS, C.; DIEZ, C; GOMEZ, E. "Cryopreservation of brown bear skin biopsies". En: Cell Preservation Technology. (2008). Vol. 6, N. 1, pp. 83-86.

GOMEZ, E.; MUÑOZ, M.; RODRÍGUEZ, A.; CAAMAÑO, J.N.; FACAL, N.; DÍEZ, C. "Vitrification of bovine blastocysts produced in vitro inflicts selective damage to the inner cell mass". En: Reproduction in Domestic Animals. (2008). Vol. 44, pp. 194-199.

GOMEZ, E; RODRIGUEZ, A; MUÑOZ, M; CAAMAÑO, J.N.; CARROCERA, S.; MARTIN, D; FACAL, N.; DIEZ, C. "Development and quality of bovine morulae cultured in serum-free medium with retinoid specific agonists". En: Reproduction Fertility & Development. (2008). Vol. 20, pp. 884-891.

MUÑOZ, M.; DÍEZ, C.; CAAMAÑO, J.N.; JOUNEAU, A.; HUE, I.; GOMEZ, E. "Embryonic stem cells in cattle". En: Reproduction in Domestic Animals. (2008). Vol. 43, pp. 32-37.

HIDALGO,C.O.; GOMEZ, E.;PRIETO, L.;DUQUE, P.;FERNÁNDEZ, L.;FACAL, N.;DÍEZ, C. "Pregnancy rates and metabolic profiles in heifers treated with propylene glycol prior to embryo transfer". En: Theriogenology, 2004,62,p. 664-676. (2004).

GOYACHE,F.;GUTIERREZ,J.P.;ALVAREZ,I.;FERNANDEZ,I.;ROYO,L.J.;GOMEZ,E. "Genetic Analysis of calf survival at diferent preweaning ages in beef cattle". En: Livestock Production Science. (2003). Vol. 83, pp. 13-20.

HIDALGO,C.O.;DIEZ,C.;DUQUE,P.;CARNEIRO,G.;LORENZO,P.L.;FACAL,N.;GOMEZ,E. "Pregnancies and improved early embryonic development in bovine oocytes matured in vitro with 9-cis-retinoic acid". En: Reproduction. (2003). Vol. 125, pp. 409-416.

DIEZ, C., HIDALGO, C. & GOMEZ, E. "Bovine IVP zygotes cultured in simple medium containing acetoacetate need serum to develop". En: Theriogenology. (2000). pp. 53 1.

GOMEZ, E. & DIEZ, C. "Spermatozoa affecting bovine embryo development in vitro attach to matured cumulus-oocyte complexes within 2 hours of co-culture". En: Theriogenology. (2000). pp. 53 1.

DIEZ, C., HIDALGO, C. & GOMEZ, E. "Bovine IVP zygotes culturedin simple medium containing acetoacetate need serum to develop". En: Theriogenology. (1999).

GOMEZ, E. & DIEZ, C. "Use of ketone bodies as energy substrates at different developmental stages and under different oxygen tensions by bovine embryos produced in vitro". En: Archivos de Zootecnia. (1999). Vol. 48, pp. 207-217.

GOMEZ, E. & DIEZ, C. "Spermatozoa affecting bovine embryo development in vitro attach to matured cumulus-oocyte complexes within 2 hours of co-culture". En: Theriogenology. (1999).

GOMEZ, E & DIEZ, C. "Bovine embryos can use ketone bodies as energy substrates at different developmental stages in vitro". En: Theriogenology. (1998). pp. 49 1.

GOMEZ, E. & DIEZ, C. "Use of ketone bodies as energy substrates at different developmental stages and under different oxygen tensions by bovine embryos produced in vitro". En: Archivos de Zootecnia. (1998). .

GOMEZ, E. & DIEZ, C. "Use of ketone bodies as energy substrates at different developmental stages and under different oxygen tensions by bovine embryos produced in vitro". En: Animal Reproduction Science. (1997). .

GOMEZ, E. & DIEZ, C. "Effects of epinephrine and lactate/pyruvate during the first 48 hours of culture on the freezability of IVF bovine blastocysts. IETS Meeting. Nice 1997". En: Theriogenology. (1997). pp. 47 1.

GOMEZ, E. & URIA, H. "Morphological and functional charecterization of bovine oviductal epithelial cells monolayers cultured on polarizing membranes". En: Reprod. Nutr. Dev. (1997). pp. 37.

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