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Tecnología Agroalimentaria. Boletín informativo del SERIDA Nº 29
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Library, Archives and Documentation Service

In its main headquarters in Villaviciosa, SERIDA offers a broad collection of specialized literature on agriculture and food subjects.

The library has a collection of more than 8,000 monographs, the majority of which were donated by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food and other agricultural research centres. Furthermore, part of its collection is made up of 155 titles of periodical publications in circulation, of which 35% are subscriptions, while the remainder are donations or exchanges.

The SERIDA library offers the following services:

  1. In-library consultation
  2. Bibliographic information and selective dissemination of information
  3. Personal and interlibrary loans
  4. Access to documents
  5. Document distribution

In-library consultation

The library is open from 9am to 2pm , Monday through Friday.

Service for Bibliographic Information and Selective Dissemination of Information (S.D.I.)

The library attends any request for bibliographic information from researchers, private individuals, regional ministry personnel and diverse entities.

The selective dissemination of information is carried out by making up a summary bulletin, in hard copy until 2002, and now featured for consultation on the web.

Loan service

Loans are limited to monographs and are free of charge to anyone upon proof of identification.

Access to documents

This service is directed exclusively at in-house users of the library. Since library funds do not cover the scientific information needs of SERIDA research personnel, a great deal of the outside documents requested, especially journal articles, are obtained through the libraries making up RIDA (Agricultural Information and Documentation Network) or through the central library services of the National Institute for Agricultural and Agri-food Research (INIA).

Document distribution

The library distributes SERIDA publications free of charge both to private individuals and to institutions.

Precios públicos

  Servicios no tipificados Precio (euros)
  Fotocopia (precio por hoja) DIN A4 0,08
  Fotocopia (precio por hoja) DIN A8 0,15

Fotocopia documentación (envío por correo), hasta 40pags

  Resto de páginas, precio por página 0,40
  Base de datos del SERIDA, búsqueda standard (50 refs) 30,00
  Base de datos del SERIDA, referencia adicional 0,15
  Volumen original prestado 7,00
Portal de la Transparencia
Protección de datos
Perfil del Contratante
Período Medio de Pago
Convocatorias y Plazas
Serida en los medios
Imagen Corporativa
Enlaces de Interés
Catálogo Red SIDRA
Catálogo Red de Bibliotecas del Principado de Asturias
RIA, Repositorio Institucional de Asturias
Publicaciones del SERIDA
Boletín de sumarios
WOS (Web Of Science)
Préstamo Interbibliotecario
Sistemas de Producción Animal
Nutrición, Pastos y Forrajes
Sanidad Animal
Genética y Reproducción Animal
Programa de Genética Vegetal
Programa de Patologia Vegetal
Programa Forestal
Programa Fruticultura
Tecnología de los Alimentos
Experimentación y Demostración Ganadera
Experimentación y Demostración Agroforestal
Selección y Reproducción
Transferencia y Formación